what are the causes and how to treat hair loss, which affects every fourth infected

Types of hair loss

Long-term COVID-19 is estimated to be associated with two forms of severe hair loss already known to medicine: telogenous alopecia and alopecia areata technologyify.

According to Paulo Criado, coordinator of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Brazilian Society of Dermatologists, emotional problems as well as infectious or autoimmune diseases can cause different types of hair loss.

The most common is a diffuse fall over the entire scalp, called telogen poisoning.

There are also patients with a genetic predisposition or autoimmune diseases, for example, who may have a drooping round shape, a condition known as alopecia areata worldbeautytips.

In an interview with BBC News Brazil, Criado explains that severe hair loss is common months after more serious infectious diseases such as dengue, chikungunya or Zika, and after episodes of stress, weight loss and childbirth.

“The coronavirus is now believed to be part of this group of diseases that may be associated with severe hair loss,” he says. technologyford

Typically, hair loss patients report that strands begin to shed much more than normal around two to three months after infection. And after a few months, he recovers spontaneously, without treatment.


In the case of alopecia areata, Andrew Messenger, professor emeritus of dermatology at the University of Sheffield in England and president of the Institute of Trichology in the UK, explains that scientists still have some doubts about the causes and mechanisms involved in hair loss techiesin.

At the moment, we do not have a clear picture of what is happening: if the coronavirus serves as a trigger for those who already have a genetic predisposition to develop alopecia areata, which is a hair disease associated with an autoimmune reaction, or if it is associated with some an unknown factor or the stress that surrounds covid-19 in the case of people without this genetic predisposition, ”he told BBC News Brazil technologyies.

Experts say the pandemic is still starting and it is currently impossible to indicate the duration of hair loss.


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